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Signs Your Marriage Is In Trouble

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One of the most frequently cited family law statistics is that 50% of marriages end in divorce. No one gets married with the expectation of getting divorced. However, changes, including in the nature of the relationship between spouses, are inevitable and one or both spouses may ultimately come to the conclusion that a divorce is in the best interests of all involved. Below are some common signs of a failing marriage:

1. Decision making has become a dictatorship. There used to be a time when you and your partner would discuss the upcoming weekend plans, what to eat for dinner, the handling of work-related issues, etc. Now, you are making decisions without consideration from the other.

2. You are constantly keeping score. If one partner does something, then the other keeps track and puts in on a scorecard. You are actively keeping mental notes on how much you are contributing versus how much your partner is or is not.

3. You no longer have the same interests. When meaningful conversations become extremely rare and silence is more common, it is time to re-evaluate the relationship.

4. You can do no right. Everything that you do results in a fight with your partner. Larger relationship issues turn into negative criticism of day-to-day tasks.

4. A spouse looking for distractions from the problems. If the television is on constantly, or you both sit with your face buried in a book, or you always have something else that needs to be done there may be a problem. It is common for individuals to find such distractions to avoid dealing with a troubled marriage.

6. Arguing over the same subject repeatedly. If your arguments become routine with all the same issues and no resolution, then your marriage is either standing still or dying fast. You may need the assistance of a professional counselor to help find solutions to the problems that don't seem to go away.

7. Intimacy is a thing of the past. A considerable decline in physical affection is one of the most recognized symptoms of a failing relationship. Intimacy is an act that allows spouses to bond. If your partner is showing no or very little interest in intimacy with you then they are showing little concern for their emotional bond with you.

8. You pull out your needle and start jabbing. Anyone in a long-term relationship knows their partner well enough to have a keen awareness of their hot buttons. In days past, you accidentally pressed them, learned from your mistakes and vowed not to repeat them. Today, you press them with full awareness, and you like it. (Huffington Post &

If you feel that your marriage is coming to an end and would like to speak with a Family Law attorney, please contact The Law Office of Matthew J. Rudy for a free 1-hour consultation.

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